albino farm

holy fucking shit biscuits. this movie is absolutely horrendous.

i wasn't even surprised but i wanted to see if it could be the worst movie i have ever seen. its not.. but it came pretty close.

nothing made sense in this movie at all. so shit. such a fucking waste of my life.

boogeyman 3

this is one of those shit movies you see that you instantly forget. it wasn't really scary in any parts. boogeyman 2 is probably better. this movie is just stupid.

are we done yet

what a horrendous movie. quite a fitting title nevertheless. i found myself pondering 'are we done yet?' the entire movie, especially for the like 5 minute opening credits. i nearly turned that shit off right then and there.

i would rather have stood on a syringe.


this movie had the potential to be fantastic. i was seriously diggin the plot right up until they motherfucking introduced homo aliens called the whisper people. it really turned it into a steven king-esque movie and i fucking hate steven king movies. most of them are anus.

as such this is a very mediocre movie. i feel like labelling it shit but the start had me impressed.

also nicholas cage fucking suck ass. he ruins everything. fag.

role models

hi5larious is what this movie is. the black kid is absolutely priceless and seann william scott is a lot better than in the last movie i saw him in - the promotion - which was totally anus. role models is great. watch this right now.

the battle scene at the end was probs a bit too long but the humour was consistent and gold. wizard in tree.

fired up

this is surprisingly not a bad movie. its actually very funny.

having said this i had the lowest of low expectations before i started watching but even still i'm going to stick with saying this is a good comedy. there isnt much else to say about it as it doesn't have much substance but that made it good.

kiss kiss bang bang

this is a great movie. the way the story evolves is really unorthodox, with the intentional recognition of the film itself being made, eg. narrator talks about scene placement. robert downy jr. plays a fantastic role and is well cast as the narrator.

pretty high paced and downy jr. talks in a fucking quick neurotic way so sometimes its a strain to keep up. heaps of funny bits however. awesome movie.

race to witch mountain

more like race to anus mountain. as soon as i realised the rock was the main character i knew i was in for some horrendous viewing.

the kids voices are so fucking annoying. like given the kids are aliens, and have superior mind skills to humans, why haven't they learnt to speak normally? they can read minds, move objects with their minds yet they speak like retards. i would rather have stared at a blank sheet of paper for 90 mins.


michael caine is an amazing human. i want to be him. such a great voice and such a great actor. he plays the reverse role in the original 1972 version but i think he is far better suited to the role he plays in this 2007 remake.

not a mad fan of jude law but he works well in this.
great movie.

mr brooks

this is a great movie. watch it right now.

its pretty dark and there are a few gruesome scenes but overall it has a good plot and is well acted.