mega shark vs. giant octopus

holy shit biscuits this movie is offensively bad.

easily one of the shittest movies i have ever seen.

premise involves some bitch unfreezing a mega shark and a giant octopus who were frozen in battle for thousands of years. the beasts then swim to either sides of the world eating shit up. then random people try to figure out how to kill the two.

this movie is so fucking stupid. at one point mega shark jumps 30,000ft into the air to eat a passenger jet. but by far the worst part is when the stupid bitch scientists are trying to figure out how to destroy the two by mixing completely random chemicals in test tubes. they are literally mixing coloured liquids for like 5 minutes. it makes no sense. like what the fuck are they even trying to find/make? jesus fucking christ.

after the ugly asian and dumb blonde slut have sex in a corridor they decide to use pheromones to lure the two together so that they can battle and destroy each other. then the battle scene is literally like a still of the shark and a still of the octopus being recycled on repeat for like 10 minutes.

where the fuck do people get the money to make movies this shit?