omfg this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen.
this movie is absolutely painful to watch. it follows some neurotic cartoonist, desperate to find the zodiac killer. the police give up the case and so the dumb shit cartoonist goes nuts and spends his life trying to find him. im just going to go ahead and give away the end because it is so shit and i don't care if you actually want to see it.
the cartoonist ultimately ruins his family trying to find the killer, jumping from suspect to suspect until finally he confirms that it must have been the guy with the aircraft boots and the watch who wears overalls. when the authorities finally go to arrest him after 3 painful hours of viewing, he is motherfucking dead. he had a heart attack moments before the police arrived.
just when you thought you were getting some motherfucking closure, the douche bag dies. the whole movie is that painful. you think its going to be one suspect, so does the cartoonist, so do the authorities, even the motherfucking suspect thinks its himself and then oh wait no thats ridiculous what about that suspect..
i would rather have had a nice bath with the hairdryer.